Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Blood Typing

There are 4 different types of blood: A, B, AB, O. Everyone in the world has one of these types of blood. O blood is the most rare type of blood ther is. Someone with O blood is a universal donor. They can donate to anyone with any type of blood. Scientists use blood to eliminate or single out suspects in the crime. Blood types were discovered in 1901. Biologists couldnt figure out why some patients lived and others had bad reactions. In 1901 Karl Landsteiner won a Nobel Peace Prize for discovering three blood types A, B, O. 1902: The blood type AB is found. Ever since these discoveries scientists and doctors have been able to help many people.

A blood can be donated to A, or AB
B blood can be donated to B, or AB
AB blood can be donated to A, B, or AB
O blood can be donated to A, AB, B, O because it is a universal donor

The Rh factor helps scientists and such determine whether someones blood is either: A-, A+, B-, B+, AB-, AB+, or O-, O+.

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